Michigan Drug Crime Lawyer

Arrested, Charged, or Investigated for Drug Crime in Michigan?
Michigan Drug Possession & Trafficking Attorney
The drug crime charge against you in Michigan carries harsh penalties, and could take you away from your liberties and loved ones.
Don’t let this happen to you. Act now by discussing your drug crimes case with our skilled criminal defense attorney at the Law Office of Julian J. Poota, PLLC.
Mr. Poota is a lawyer well-known for his commitment to excellence in protecting your rights, at every turn in your drug crimes case. His familiarity with the criminal justice system and his strategies for defending you can keep you out of jail and free of stiff fines and other punishments.
Our law firm’s proven legal knowledge, abilities, skill and maximum availability to you could be your last lines of defense against time behind bars.
Our law office can build an effective defense of drug-related criminal charges against you such as:
- Possession of any controlled substance, including narcotics, cocaine, crack, heroin, methamphetamine, analogues, prescription drugs, vicodin, steroids, ecstasy, PCP, GHB, oxycontin, and LSD
- Possession with intent to deliver or sell any controlled substance
- Drug Paraphernalia – possession or distribution
- Prescription fraud
- Operating a methamphetamine laboratory (meth lab)
- Cultivating and growing marijuana or other drugs
- Medical Marijuana – possession, distribution, or growing operations
- Importation, smuggling, and trafficking of drugs
- Federal drug charges
- Manufacture with intent to sell
- Maintaining a drug house
- Money laundering
- Conspiracy
Our skilled Michigan drug crime defense attorney looks carefully into your case for any evidence of illegal search and seizure and asset forfeiture. Throughout our work together, we will explore every avenue to restore your freedom and reputation.
We welcome the opportunity to help put these legal worries behind you. You should have every chance to put your life back together. We want to see you return to your family so you can resume your future. Please be in touch with our law office today. We need to know everything you can tell us about your Michigan drug crime arrest.
Let’s discuss the charges against you during your free initial consultation at our Southfield Law Office of Julian J. Poota, PLLC. Contact Us Today: (888) 399-7979!